We buy and sell horses, breed them and I ride competitively but unfortunately what came with the livery yard was working 90+ hours, seven days per week and no time left to do anything else.


I live in the north of England and I am now able to visit my family in the south west once a month, previously it was once a year. Forever has given me and my family hope of achieving all our dreams and desires which is truly life-changing. I’m now in control of my own time.

Fiona-WalmsleyFor the last 11 years I have ridden horses for a living. Prior to this I had a career in finance and recruitment. We moved to my husband’s family farm 11 years ago and it was then we decided to open a livery yard. My passion has always been horses. I have ridden since an early age. We buy and sell horses, breed them and I ride competitively but unfortunately what came with the livery yard was working 90+ hours, seven days a week and no time left to do anything else. We used to be dairy farmers but sold the whole herd and now just concentrate on the arable side of the farm plus diversifications of liveries and mountain boarding.

I was introduced to Forever by my pilates instructor Lindsey Jackson. 
I tried the C9 programme. When I went to pick up some more products after the nine days, Lindsey asked if I would like to take a look at the business behind the products. I could see how in time I could scale down the yard and start to get my life back, start to be able to spend quality time with my family.

I didn’t realise until I came into Forever that I missed some of my previous career, the buzz of business, the people. Forever is enabling me to help so many people, which is the biggest buzz of all whilst still running my yard on a lesser scale. I am a Manager within Forever and have a team of great people from all walks of life who inspire me all the time. I have made some great friends and have shared some fun times with them.

I live in the north of England and I am now able to visit my family in the south west once a month, whereas previously it was only once a year. Forever has given me and my family hope of achieving all our dreams and desires which is truly life-changing. I’m now in control of my own time.

What next…

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Fiona Walmsley – former work Finance & Recruitment, Farming, Horses